Tuesday, January 19, 2010

the job

my job is so great. it is nice to actually look forward to going to work. weird but nice. i work with 8 clients in a home setting with varying degrees of retardation and other disabilities. i believe "developmentally disadvantaged" is the politically correct term this month. whatever. working with these people can be such a hoot! every day is different (as you can imagine!) and by the end of your shift (no matter what happens) you feel like you did some good in the world. and they pay me to do this! awesome!

glenn is sweet, gentle man who likes to wander from room to room. always on the move. he can tell you about every carnival ride he has ever been on, the city it was in, the year and day of the week he rode it and what the weather was like. he can tell you about his dog "corky" that died when he was six while doing doing an algebra problem on a paper towel. but he can't remember my name from one day to the next or where his bedroom is. i am always amazed at what the human mind is and/or isn't capable of.

then there's john. he has two jobs at two different bars in the community. i'm not even sure what he does there. he has invited me to "disco dance" on wednesday nights with him. uh...maybe another time. NOT! he picks up all kinds of slang from the guys he works with, most of it inappropriate, but it's funny! he also loves to make prank phone calls. last night i heard him order 100 hogs to be delivered to the house. good grief, i hope they don't come. last night we went on a trip to walmart. that was interesting. i was in charge of shopping with 2 of the clients. they followed me at a good distance because they didn't want anyone to know that we were together. i thought that was hysterical! when it was time to check out i found a cashier that i knew from working there before. she informed me that it looked like i had a couple of stalkers. i acted surprised and told her that they had been following me all over the store. she grabbed the phone to call security! i don't think she thought it was very funny. i did. i must be warped. she'll get over it.

i think i am really gonna like this job.



Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity.-Margaret Nadauld

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